Nantes, France


Light Interface

France is known for its »grand projets«. One of these is the construction of a completely new Nantais district between the railway station and the banks of the Loire.

As part of this major project, the railway station was also extensively renovated. It forms the interface between the old suburbs in the north and now opens up on the south side with a spacious, completely redesigned forecort to the new district, which aims to bring the city closer to the river.

Following the already opened greened northern forecourt, a high quality of stay was thus also required in the southern part, because the square wants to be more than just a place of passage. The round and straight benches at the large beds with native trees are part of this concept.

They are fitted with continous straight or curved light lines underneath the seating areas. In the dark, these bathe the square in pleasantly warm light, which is intended to give travellers, citizens and guest of the surrounding restaurants and hotels a feeling of safety.

Light planner: Atelier Coup d´Eclat, Paris


Reference document

Nantes, France

LICHT Issue 5/23

Used Products

LED Lightline
